Future Goals

First off, I feel that everyone should know that teaching was the last thing I wanted to do as a career. I did not have the most ideal experiences when I was in school. I was on the receiving end of jokes and bullying. My first couple days in the classroom were pretty rough, but, soon, it all become second nature. I honestly can no longer imagine myself anywhere but in a school building.

My future goals are to continue to teach for a few more years and then enter into another alternative certification program to become a diagnostician. I can't imagine not working with a Special Education kiddos and would love to do it a different capacity in the future.

A big goal for my future is to be a mommy. I feel I have the most perfect job for being a mommy and a professional. I enjoy every minute with my kiddos and don't imagine time with my very own kiddos to be any  different.

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