
I am Kendyl Arensman. I grew up in Gainesville, TX and went to school in Lindsay. I was in a class of 25, graduating in 2004. Upon graduating high school I went to North Central Texas College for a year to finish my basics and then transferred to Texas Woman's University where I graduate with honors in December 2007 with my B.S. Family Studies. I took a semester to of Criminal Justice classes, but quickly decided that was not the route for me. During that semester I took on a full-time job working for Texas AgriLife Extension as a Regional Program Assistant. I re-enrolled at Texas Woman's University and started my graduate degree the fall of 2008. I continued to work full-time and go to school full-time. January 2010 I quit my job with Extension and moved to Little Rock, Arkansas with my then fiance. I finished my last semester of graduate school via online classes from Little Rock, walked in May, presented my graduate portfolio November 8, 2010, married my husband November 13, 2010, and took a huge deep breath of relief on November 14, 2010.

My husband and I moved back to Texas, landing in Fort Worth on Valentine's Day 2011. I researched alternative certification programs and was accepted in the Texas Teaching Fellows program. I went through that program Summer of 2011, unfortunately I was unable to find a teaching position. November 2011 I accepted a substitute position with Advantage Academy that eventually turned in a full-time teaching position. This opportunity led me to ECAP and to the job I have today....The rest, my friends, is history.

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